How to Have a Happier and Healthier 2023
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Would you like this year to be different from 2022? Do you feel you're not getting the happiness and enjoyment you want to experience?
If you do, that's OK. You are not alone. Studies show that "How can I be happy?" is one of the most popular questions on the Google Search Engine, garnering about 6 billion search results!
The results show that despite our efforts and inventions to keep ourselves and others happy by playing video games, watching movies, reading books, and going to events, some people are still unhappy.
The reason why this is happening is that some people try to draw out happiness from external things; they try to seek external validation. Although there is nothing wrong with pursuing enjoyment from external sources, you need to keep in mind that they are not universal and sustainable. Therefore, you should not put your cards on them.
You see, true and lasting happiness does not come from relationships, achievements, properties, careers, movies or even with money. Happiness comes from within, and it starts with the way you think and talk to yourself daily.
Emotional Intelligence is the key to Unlocking Happiness
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to be aware of our own emotions and those of others in the moment and to use that information to manage ourselves and our relationships.
Studies show that people who are high in Emotional Intelligence are happier and enjoy life more. They are more grateful and contented. They are flexible and fun to be with. People want to be around them. It is also easy for them to make and maintain friendships.
So, how does Emotional Intelligence help you live a happier and more fulfilling life? Here is how:
Emotional Intelligence Enables You to Have a Healthy Relationship with Yourself
Having a healthy relationship with yourself means being aware of your emotions, intuitions and preferences and knowing where they come from.
We call this Self Awareness.
Being self-aware helps you know who you are as a person. It enables you to understand how you come across, what your strengths and weaknesses are, what you really want, and even how your emotions are affecting you.
Self-awareness is a tool you can use to choose your dreams, know your purpose, and take the path you want to take. When you do not know who you are and what your purpose is, you will feel miserable and lost. With self-awareness, you know who you are, who you want to be, and what it will take to get there.
Emotional Intelligence Enables You to Navigate Your Emotions in a Healthy Way
Experiencing unwanted emotions is inevitable. You will encounter them from time to time. You cannot avoid them, leave them at the door, and be unemotional.
Doing so will only lead to more problems.
Just like a physical wound can get worse and infected if it isn't treated, a buildup of unresolved emotions can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression.
However, you also need to be careful in dealing with them; navigating your emotions in an unhealthy way can bring you more trouble.
Self-management enables you to navigate emotions (whether they're intense or not) so that you can then come out the other side with the behaviour and strategies you need to get the results you want.
Emotional Intelligence Enables You to say "YES" only to the things that are important to YOU
"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least." — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Have you ever said "YES" to something unimportant to you because you do not want to displease others?
If so, you might be living in the performance trap.
When operating in the performance trap, you can go along daily without any boundaries in your life.
Not having any boundaries will make you tired and miserable in the long run, as this will rob you of the time and energy to do what you really want.
Social and Emotional Intelligence frees you from the burden of pleasing others and gives you the power to communicate your truth calmly, honestly, assertively, and appropriately.
Emotional Intelligence Enables You to Overcome Adversity
Adversity will always be a part of life. However, how you deal with adversity will determine whether you will be successful or not.
Emotionally intelligent people can use problems, setbacks, mistakes, and failures to grow and find more opportunities. They don't live in fear, worry, or insecurity. Instead, they accept everything that comes their way and always have a good attitude and work ethic.
There's no way to avoid trouble. We have to face it straight on, with confidence in our minds and courage in our hearts.
Most likely, you have been through a lot of hard times in your life. How do you deal with it? Do you run away and hope it will go away on its own, or do you face it head-on and decide to do something about it?
Your happiness and health will depend on how you answer.
Emotional Intelligence Enriches Your Relationships
People are social beings. Whether you are an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert, we all require interaction at some time in our lives. Interactions aid in the improvement of your mental, emotional, and social well-being. Healthy interactions, according to research, can improve your mood, make you happier, help you feel more secure, and lessen your risk of dementia.
Emotional Intelligence gives you the ability to have healthy interactions with other people. It also gives you the ability to induce desirable behaviours from them. This ability is called Relationship Management. Skills in this quadrant will allow you to influence, coach, mentor, and resolve other people's problems.
The Secret to A Happier Life
Indeed, Emotional Intelligence is the secret to having a happier and more fulfilling life.
As we journey through life this year, we may encounter several obstacles and roadblocks along the way. However, when you have high Emotional Intelligence, you can overcome any obstacle, see a silver lining in every situation and come out of the year victorious.
We Are Here to Help
At People Builders, we have a team of expert trainers and coaches who can help you build your and your team's Emotional Intelligence. Contact us today for a quick chat to see how we can partner with you to train and coach you and your team.
If you want to become a certified trainer and coach in Social and Emotional Intelligence, Applied Neuroscience, or Extended DISC, go to our People Builders Institute website.
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