Leadership - Social and Emotional Intelligence - Positive Psychology - Applied Neuroscience - Coaching - Training

Practical articles containing resources and strategies for leaders, managers, and human resources teams to help you develop yourself, your team, and your organisation.

Collaboration: More Than Just a Skill to Learn

Many, if not all, organisations are having problems on how they could help their employees collaborate with each other despite their own individual tasks and responsibilities. These organisations may be too focused on the outcome that they desire, which is forming a collaborative team, and are...

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Strengthen Collaboration on Remote Workers

Having to collaborate with other people is not an easy thing to do. Whether you see them face-to-face or online, a lot of problems can come out of it. As a leader, you should be prepared and open-minded so that you will be able to overcome these different problems that you might encounter.  ...

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Work With Others Toward Shared Goals

Now that your team is working remotely, are you having a hard time keeping them together due to the new normal caused by the pandemic? Is it affecting their productivity both as a team and individually? Maybe it’s time for you to step up and strengthen your A-game as a leader by working on...

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The Brain at Work in this New Environment

Alistair Schofield speaking at the Emotional Intelligence Online Summit in 2020 for People Builders and the Emotional Intelligence Academy on the brain at work.

02:30 - Jumping on the bandwagon of the topic of neuroscience

08:48 - Evidence-based insights that explain the ‘why’ of...

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Using Emotional Intelligence to Manage Stress

Rushdina Khan & Dr. Sandhya Rani C speaking with Grant Herbert, at the Emotional Intelligence Online Summit in 2020 for People Builders and the Emotional Intelligence Academy, on using Emotional Intelligence to manage Stress.

03:18 - A passion for Emotional Intelligence

05:36 - The causes...

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Mindset to Mindflex: Overcoming Your Mindtraps

Sandra Colhando speaking at the Emotional Intelligence Online Summit in 2020 for People Builders and the Emotional Intelligence Academy on Overcoming Your Mindtraps.

03:43 - Psychology is a state of mind

06:50 - Understanding the Biology

09:43 - The tug-of-war between our Brain and our Mind


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The Power of Reset: Activating the Shift from Stress to Balance

Deborah Thurley speaking at the Emotional Intelligence Online Summit in 2020 for People Builders and the Emotional Intelligence Academy on the Power of Reset.

11:30 - What we think about has a lot to do with how we are feeling

12:45 - The world has tilted and stress is a big part of...

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The Seductive Allure of Neuroscience

Dr. Sarah McKay speaking at the Emotional Intelligence Online Summit in 2020 for People Builders and the Emotional Intelligence Academy.

06: 52 - The Coming of Age of Neuroscience

08:32 - Our Brains are What Make Us Human

09:10 - A New Approach to Neuroscience

12:58 - The Problem with all the...

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